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our Boston office on the 60th floor of the john hancock tower is officially closed. this is where it all began...

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meaghan and claire in action during their championship floor hockey game. they won!!! (even though i think claire is going the wrong way with the ball in this shot...)

The Sports Authority

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in Boston(well somerville!! for this pic) for jen's going away pub crawl! meaghan was modeling the beads we were going to wear out...

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mary and i had a date night b'c i needed to hear all about her trip to italy!!! and i was leaving for boston the next morning...

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we may have lost in round 2 of the playoffs...but we won in team camaraderie...that's what she said.

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worked super late, but had some entertainment value when adam izzo came back in the office with his new graphic tees. i learned that the three elements to a successful graphic tee are as follows: skulls, roses, and a snake. and these shirts are just perfect for the jersey shore. i must experience this...i must.

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i have to do two pics from my day-o-fun in ocean city...
top - from one ferris wheel to another cool, right?
bottom - i love this pic: matt, laura, grandpop and grandma...two of the cutest couples hanging on the broadwalk!

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rented a car with laura and matt. drove down to ocean city, jersey. home to the halliday clan.

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we got tickets to jersey boys!!! awesome awesome.

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james taylor concert!!! on jones perfect!!!

Wolfgang's Vault now offering full concert downloads!

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laura and matt are in town (best sister and bro-in-law ever)!!! we are having drinks on top of the met overlooking central park.

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happy hour with work on pier 84 at hudson river park. the clouds gave me the chills...

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i ran the jp morgan corporate challenge today. the entire race was in the rain, but boy did i feel like a champ afterwards. i almost snatched the trophy out of that guy's hand on the subway. that thing is huge!

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this was right after a guy yelled out window with..."hey miss, fix your dress"...i don't know the extent (b'c i pulled down the back of my dress so fast), but i can assume the worst. noticeable.

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you can't really tell from this picture, but it was really windy when i got home from work. like tornado-looming style. there's no place like home, todo.

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megan and i won tickets for the lottery to see the broadway show - in the heights. amazing! it won tony for best new musical that night!!!

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it's pouring and we are trying to hail a cab to brother jimmy's (so is everyone else in ny...hailing a cab, not going to brother jimmy's). btw...go dawgs baseball!

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the story of my friday. i was getting artistic with this one...

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lauren, em and i were sooooo good at flip cup, we had to have a handicap. so, we put socks on our hands. it's tricky my friends.

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did the news corp media challenge - 3.5 miles then walked from central park to my apartment with lauren g...whoa my legs were about to fall off afterwards.

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it was up in the 90s today. tooooooo hot! ahhh

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dinner is served. ding!

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big apple barbecue block party...bbq day in nyc! dinosaur bbq yum!

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milk & cookies cafe...perfection.

David's Cookies - Can one desire too much of a good thing?

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yes, and carl actually went on at 8 o'clock. mary and i missed the show by being fashionable late...whoops.

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kickball...last regular season game. our line-up was still there from last week. haha...


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wine bar with sara p. tonight. duck meatballs, wow.

Morrell - Find Your Wine Online

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went out a cool angle with my camera phone.

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i had to get mamoun's for dinner...yum, that hummus!

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thank you, mary for this one. after we watching the satc movie...walking around nyc.

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