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lauren is finally back in town!!  i missed her these past two weeks!  we had a celebratory dinner (with shots) for the new job!!  :)

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true story...last day at news america.  7 years...

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 dramatic day... last cranberry.  i mean folks, this is SERIOUS.  do you know how many salads i had here?!?!  thousands i tell you.
my besties at news america...mike and meggie.  this was my goodbye happy hour at social...went into the night and of course ended at daltons with karaoke.  i'm going to miss these two.  

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hit up an art show with laura.  another manhattan please... and we realized that this side walk in soho is an interpretation of the subway map.  kewl

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last day of chicken salad salad next door at news cafe.  to top it off they had tomato soup.  awww i'm going to miss my css dates with meggie!

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meredith's bday at empire hotel rooftop.  

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it's pride!!  at a roof party with b&b...what a fun day!  

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a little blurry but this is me serenading amy for her bachelorette festivities...

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exhausting week... i got a new job offer, accepted and resigned at news america.  it was a friday night and i went straight to bed.  this is a picture of my shadow because i had nothing better to share.

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amy and her mom and sis were in the hood... stopped by for a drink on avenue c!!  it's the bride's shower weekend!!

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after all this time, they finally took the scaffolding off the old church on my block.  so pretty...rivington looks like a completely different street. 

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it's another soccer game!!  this week, i pulled a muscle.  

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news america social club.  we watched psycho in bryant park...

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it's FUN at terminal 5...

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did run amuck race...we were super close to west point.  although, we weren't allowed in...we did get a few beautiful views on the drive.  and a much needed stop at chili's.  ah yes.

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got the job offer at facebook today...  look at all the boxes of news america business cards that i will need to get rid of...whoaaa  

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this picture looks a little ghetto... but it's of megan and meredith.  we went to dinner at schillers for one of megan's last nights in NYC.

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it's opening night for the soccer season!!  and if you ask...leslie, do you actually play soccer?  i will tell you...yes, one season when i was nine.  

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drinks with joy and ditto... afterwards i needed my beloved chicken salad melt with salt and vinegar chips from gracefully.

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this makes me coming back to off broadway...

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more time with my little bugger...

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kiawah island for the weekend with the family!  mussels and shrimp on the beach with my sweet boy luke!

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nice stop at ritas... supposedly a new jersey favorite!

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book club hostess with the mostess.....not really.  couldn't get my oven to work so the pigs in a blanket were a flop.  good thing i had wine to ease the pain...

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jesse and randolf's wedding!!  what a beautiful celebration!!  

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paul simon's "under the african skies" premiere tonight with brian.  it's a documentary about the making of his album graceland.  so awesome.  this was the interview with paul simon and bob costas.

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daryn and chris were in town.  met up at jacob's pickles for a little dinner and delicious beer. 

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another fun plane wing shot.  i'm know... so creative.

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here's the bride again in at the fountains at the bellagio... oh vegas.  

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friday night!! shower and night out on the town!!  property of bryon!!  :)