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the glass on the island at work completely shatter. it's the little things...

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our new roomie jaime...first day in the apt and she's already cooking for us! cousin emily is to the right...she's technically a roommate too!

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yeah sorry, on the deck again. i cooked.

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we just can't get enough of the new digs! it was a rainy pun intended!

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birthday/housewarming party...where else than on our deck!?!?!

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had some meetings out in jersey, so of course we had to stop by the local chick-fil-a. hollarrrr

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i made cookies for my finance guy...he was a big help for an important proposal at work.

Buy David's Cookies Online

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the best birthday present EVER...went to the reunion concert. mary's pic...i was too busy screaming my head off that night.

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and my birthday festivities begin! my department at work got me a cake!

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MOVE IN DAY!!! mary gets a full bed and this is probably the only time it will be made. i had to take a pic.

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my bulldawg scarf...went out to watch the game tonight. gooooo dawgsssss!

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if you look real closely, you will see ANNASSSSSSSSSSSSSS...i went to boston today for some meetings and grabbed anna's taqueria before heading home.

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and even more...the move is coming!

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and more packing...

Check out the T-Shirts and other Apparel at Goodwill Too!

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yes, that celine dion. and yes, she was amazing. i took a client in the news corp box. my heart will indeed go on...

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and the packing begins...

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we went to the lake. al, chris and dad were posing for the camera. awww sweet.

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i was a paparazzo that day. what a cool wedding...

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mimosa alma mater. mom just had to bring me to school (she still works there). it's what i do when i go home.

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went home this weekend for rach's wedding. dad wanted to show off where he punched the wall when laura and i were in high school. it's like a hidden treasure.

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book club!!! at amy's apartment...chasing harry winston was the pick. i got to page 19.

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this is our new deck. again. we are a little obsessed. we had to measure today.

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mary and i doing a little research on our new hood and trying to post my furniture on craiglist with little success.

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shout out to my sister's favorite show. jon, kate and the 8 have made it big!

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apartment hunt ended today. we found one...with a ROOFDECK and EXPOSED brick. EAST VILLAGE here we come!!! pending our application is accepted... ;)

Click here to find a new apartment!

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joel is trying out my vision therapy homework 3d glasses. i guess you could say they're kinda a big deal.

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court's grand opening party! the sister shop of circa now. love love.

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apartment hunting begins. we start by two timing brokers and they show up at the same apartment. whoops! Acquire Renters (Classified Ventures)

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gooooooo dawgs....still fired up about the win! this little fella was hanging outside my apartment.

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we were recruiting america ferrera to be on our kickball team. she was sitting next to us at spitzers in les. i still think we could be great friends...