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rented bikes today...just a little bit of training for the triathlon next year.

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news america's summer outing! the boys taught me how to golf at chelsea piers! nice swing, joel.

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where did he go? the denny duquette watched our kickball game!!! he was walking his dog in central park and stopped to enjoy the game. the girls were a little distracted.

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they were taping a fox movie outside my building today. didn't see any famous actors, but i did see gywneth paltrow's stand-in.
NYC Activities

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sex and the city premiere at radio city!

Shop the Sex and the City Section at

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goodbye to austin!

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TEAM JUDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Sierra Trading Post

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we were checking out the swimming area the day before the race. we made sure not to show this to juday.

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the irony of this photo...the no wait sign right next to the store hours sign - it's bbq time, NOT. we wait for an hour for the county line restaurant to open. we even laid out in the parking lot.

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arrived in austin today! of course, this is what i saw right when i walked off the plane. a whole lot of orange!

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got caught in the pouring rain...that's my suit wet. lame pic i know.

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idol finale!!!!!!! go david!!! ps Mary is in LOVE with David Cook. David- if you ever happen to see this please get in touch ;) she is a catch!!!

Apple iTunes

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the train stopped for 30 min...not fun. there was a theft in the train before us.

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ash is in town! we went shopping on canal street...we are taking a break from the rain.

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went to brooklyn today for the new york photo festival. brooklyn bridge in dumbo.

Apple iTunes

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so, i woke early and caught a glimpse of the today show. even though i was facing the back of the stage and it was raining, i was in great spirits...just hangin' tough...

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oh kickball, oh kickball...

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free mets ticket, check. two caught baseballs, check. walk on the field during national anthem, check. free food, check. souvenir cup, check. and we even got a t-shirt (free) check it off!

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graffiti. what what...midseason kickball party!

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tegan and saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Apple iTunes

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shopping with rach...this is was at the butterfly club. nuff said.

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it's chris's final thesis reading at the new school. congrats!

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i was the idiot and wore a light skirt on a rainey day. yes, those spots are mud. doesn't it look like a face though?

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in the cab on the way home from kickball. we are trying to do some animal interpretations. unfortunately, i don't remember which one joel was trying to do...maybe an elephant?...

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it was nice today and i walked home from work. stopped into ann taylor to redeem at $15 off coupon and headed towards macy's at herald square. always madness.

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had a pleasant walk with emily today. we needed major catch-up time after her two week trip to australia. got a little glimpse of the statue of liberty on our stroll. benny's burritos to follow the walk.

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got a little taste of manhattan flying in from atlanta. this is after i spilt creamer on the lap of the man sitting next to me. sooooo awkward!

SkyMall, Inc.

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look how low the water at lake lanier is...craziness! enjoyed a relaxing day on the boat after the crazy dual birthday extravaganza for em and al...

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my next door neighbor, caroline won roswell high school's prom princess! my mom thought she was on the court for a moment while caroline's mom took her glamour shots. oh merrill...

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i caught louis in the act! he's putting down the moroccan rug because i came home! hahaha...too bad that's still your christmas and birthday presents for the next 7 years.

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the last kickball (that's what she said) team members standing at the bar. although we lost tonight, we made up for spirit afterwards!