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a little patriotic moment in times square...just passing through after a hard day's work.

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happy 25th birthday, lauren! a little rosa with guac bowls never hurt anyone!

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in the subway heading up to the upper west side. i needed to register for my photography classes :)

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move over presidental election 2008...more important is the blackberry/iphone debate. hmmmm decisions....

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the house we stayed at...just a little cabin in the woods (plus a sauna).

angle 26 explanation needed for this pic. vermont was beautiful, the snow was powdery, and skiing was perfection. they call me picabo (as in picabo street).

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SKI TRIP 2008!!! we got in late...the moon was intense; so was snowy fun...

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i had no food in the kitchen and no desire to get back out in the cold. chinese delivery - can't go wrong!

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yoga time! i can't do that position..........yet. ;)

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heath ledger passed away today. his apartment was around the corner from mine. the irony of this picture...the yellow police tape saying "do not cross" yet you can see the paparazzi in the background. they either can't read or they just don't care about privacy. i think it's the latter.

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and who says jersey isn't pretty. this is the view from my cousin's porch...

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my cousin's son jamming on the guitar with his daddy.

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it was cold, i slept in........ahhhhhh yes. this is the view from my bedroom window. Acquire Renters (Classified Ventures)

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early dismissal and drinks with work. view from top floor of o'brien's.'s a church.

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goodbye sunny, warm california; hello rainy, cold big apple!

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in the midst of some sales calls, i got off the highway for a quick bite in burbank. super cool - this is where the ellen show tapes...

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after some sales calls/drop offs, i hit santa monica just in time for a sunset...perfect timing ;)

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got lost in palo alto between meetings...ran into stanford's campus and found this dead end...

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just walking to kroyer's apartment...oh the sights of san francisco!

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unbelievable...our day in carmel/pebble beach. so much fun!!!

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brightness...ha! no one was bright in building this machine. it was broken the entire flight to california. the entire reason i flew jet blue. grrrrrrrr (good thing i had checked out some books at the library)

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i dyed mary's hair. looks good, right? the thumbs up obviously shows her satisfaction.

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the band broke up...
p.s. the oxygen bar at the news corp health fair today was super cool.

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so, i cooked tonight (eggplant puree to be specific...haha). this was a monumental moment. i never cook and this spotty mess is the reason why. Acquire Renters (Classified Ventures)

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after i got denied by the library, i thought i'd try this book store in soho. (p.s. i'm looking for some hardcore photography books). anyhow, i stumbled upon my coffee shop/used book store dream. it was perfection.

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if only you could hear her voice. i have one word - powerful. alicia keys has nothing on this lady.

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hOOkaaaaahhhh. today was cultural. i went to cyrano (a broadway show with jennifer garner and kevin kline), rachel jobe's art show opening, and a night of hookah fun.

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it's friday and we need chipotle. we actually waited in line (never this short) instead emailing the order! nothing like washing it down with a little wine (right mike?)...

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don't be late in 2008. so much for that resolution! it's a 9:22 and i just had to stop at my favorite neighborhood coffee joint. the things we do for the things we love...

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the new years aftermath. i'm still not ready to go back to work after 11 days off. i feel like the balloons...almost deflated.

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i love mark richt. period. you can't spell SUGAR without UGA (clever i know). the dawgs beat hawaii 41-10.